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# 1
Старый 08.02.2008, 12:38
Eristan Eristan вне форума
Регистрация: 15.09.2006
Сообщения: 423
По умолчанию Эпик квест для крафтеров ГУ42

Crafter Epic Quest Overview

In addition to epic quests for every adventuring class, GU42 introduced the release of class-specific questlines for level 80 crafters. (And yes, you must be level 80 in your crafting profession to obtain them.) These quests all begin with the same quest starter, but then branch off for the fourth quest based on class, then reconverge for the fifth quest.

Reward is the lovely Earring of the Solstice (pictuerd below), plus there are secondary rewards of a class-specific crafting cloak, mastery certification in your class, a prefix title, and one of each T8 rare resource.
Added Requirements

These quests aren't for everyone. They do require time, effort, some grinding, and possibly some death (regardless of your adventuring level). With that in mind, in addition to the level 80 crafting requirement, there are some other things to be aware of before you start on these.
100 gathering will be required
-20K (that is negative 20K) or better faction with Bathezid's Watch will be required
T5 rares, and several imbue materials from T7 and T8 will be required
Cooperation with crafters of other professions will be required. Unless they have 9 separate accounts, one for each of their level 80 crafters, even the most independent and antisocial crafter will need to work with other crafters and the commission system in order to receive the rewards.
For the faction, this means adventuring and/or completing the crafter , then grinding crafting writs at Bathezid's Watch. (+750 faction per writ)

Линейка квестов и инфа:

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