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# 1
Старый 09.07.2009, 22:11
ValleyKing ValleyKing вне форума
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По умолчанию ПвП шмот ревамп

информация с форума девов (пока времени нет переводить, надеюсь что добрые ПвПшники сами запостят тезисы на русском):

All the PVP items are being reworked to compete with the current mastercrafted and fabled. With the current changes to faction merchant items, the Legendary rank items are usable at 20, 30, 40 and so on while the Fabled rank items are usable at 25, 35, 45 etc. as well. This will make about 60 of the items that some of you now have not usable till you get to mid level range, but the majority of the items have gone the opposite way and are now usable at lower levels. The faction requirements and status requirements have also been reduced for all items, even EoF status was reduced dramatically. Token prices remain the same.

The change to the items was necessary to bring some organization to the merchants that kept losing potential customers that would visit them only to find that the item they wanted is still a few levels away or outgrown. Now players will know that every 5 levels there is a nice selection they can count on. The EoF, RoK and TSO items remain the same level but will be granted more attributes and hopefully more focus effects that will help everyone.

The current restrictions allow for the players to enjoy the new PVP items at each tier, both Legendary and Fabled while at the same time allowing crafted items to continue to provide us with the rest of the slots. There are many things that can be used to make a character stronger with either gear, spells or clickable items and everyone is always free to continue using those but not if you plan to be a locked character.

Some of you have hit the nail on the head with the reasons why the restrictions are required. I am asking for feedback so yes all the feedback is welcomed but please make sure you are just giving your feedback and not trying to convince others to go along with you. The more feedback I can get the better the list of points I can have when presenting the pitch to the rest of the team for approval.

еще добавили:
QUESTION: Does this mean the EOF PvP gear out of Lesser Faydark will become level 65 wearable?

The current plan is to keep it the same level but I am bumping the item level to make the mitigation and stats last for a longer period of time with the changes to items coming up. I believe it was already stated that the new expansion will also bring about level 90. This will allow those that wish to enjoy T7 PVP a great even con set of gear that they can use along with level 72 MC that is also nice.
norrath.ru/wiki – присоединяйтесь к созданию Энциклопедии EverQuest II!

Последний раз редактировалось ValleyKing, 09.07.2009 в 23:30

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