22.03.2008, 07:15
Регистрация: 16.11.2006
Сообщения: 1,204
GU 44
Entrances to the Shard of Hate have been activated in Neriak and Nektulos Forest.
You can now choose to display your equipped bow instead of your melee weapons by going to Persona->Options and checking Display Ranged Weapon.
Not to be outdone by their Qeynosian counterparts, the Coalition of Tradesfolke in West Freeport have refurbished their headquarters to provide more convenient facilities for crafters.
The Village of Shin's monk challenges will now provide experience for players above level 70.
Venril Sathir and the Overking now have a chance to drop first tier armor set breastplates in addition to their existing drops.
The client will automatically enable a low-memory mode when you are running low on memory. The low-memory mode will downsample far away textures and unload geometry that hasn't been drawn in a while. The low-memory mode should generally be invisible.
Performance settings were adjusted slightly for better rendering at lower qualities without significantly impacting performance.
- Flora will now only be rendered on High Quality settings and above.
- Objects will not disappear as quickly on lower settings
The client is Large Address Aware, meaning that you are much less likely to run out of memory if you have 3GB or more of RAM and are running either the 64-bit versions of Windows or have modified your boot.ini to support 3GB user address space.
Raid Leaders can now create designated raid looters by right-clicking their names in the raid window and choosing add/remove looter.
Designated raid looters are able to assign loot as if they were a raid leader when the group loot method is set to "Leader Only".
It's now easier for the group leader to loot an item with the Leader Only loot method.
There are two new armored wargs now available in Kunark.
Mounts will automatically be suspended while climbing a wall.
Shallow water will no longer scare away your horses, rhinos and wargs.
Ranged ammo has been adjusted to have a minimum level that represents the start of the tier. Ranged weapons will then no longer scale down to that level unless the ammo is significantly lower than the weapon. For example, all ferrite ammo is now level 70 to use. Level 80 ranged weapons will use level 80 for calculations now instead of scaling down to level 70. Overall damage of current level 80 items will stay the same.
Normalized procs will now cap out at 5.33 second delay for calculations.
Combat text will now display if you double attack, flurry, ranged double attack, etc.
Melee hit rates should now be slightly better against orange con mobs.
Strength Imbued rings will now proc from ranged attacks.
Mitigation has been increased on all low fabled raid armor sets. Boots, Gloves, Bracers, Shoulders and Helms have a higher chance of dropping.
Di'Zok Ceremonial cloth armor is now more comparable to tranquil swiftcloth. The poisons Rilissian Vital Stirke, Di'Zok Mental Strike, and Regimental Elixir of Combat are now more effective.
Collection items that you don't need will now con grey.
The number of initiates need to update "The Trial of Tynnonium" has been reduced to four.
Increased the drop rate on pages 8 and 9 in "An Old Memoir".
The Pirate Jones encounter for the Swashbuckler Epic quest should be a little easier.
Those participating in the quest "Once a Marine, Always a Marine!" in Jarsath Wastes should no longer be mislead by quest icons to speak with Necromancer Corporiss at the beachfront.
Deputy Hopple in the Enchanted Lands is no longer trying to take twice as many apple muffins as he had asked for.
Exchange server players can now obtain three quests previously unavailable on those servers because they are given out by guides. Seek out NPCs in the Commonlands, Antonica, and Everfrost.
Harvesting tool buffs are now activated by using the tool, and can be cancelled. The effects will now persist through death.
The Tradesman Service quest from each crafting society's Grandmaster now also awards a simple cloak (those who have already completed the quest can purchase it from the Grandmaster).
Grandmasters in the five starting cities now offer some new quests for tradeskillers who have assisted them previously.
All handcrafted and mastercrafted chest and leg armor from 50-59 can now be imbued
A lost recipe for a tynnonium stool has been recovered by carpenters.
Test server players will now find a small bookworm in the Tower of the Moon can assist them in finding hard to obtain crafting recipe scrolls.
Priests will receive a new level 80 spell automatically called Cure Curse. Be on the lookout for certain encounters to have special effects that are only curable with this spell.
Call to Arms line now includes ranged skill.
Redoubt line now includes ranged skill.
The Burning Radiance line will now proc from ranged attacks.
-The hawk will no longer break stealth.
-The Focus Aim line now has a group component which buffs the groups melee weapon skills and weapon accuracy.
-Improved the damage on the offensive stance proc, melee based combat arts and faster reuse ranged attacks.
Harmonization should no longer increase the immunity of Jester's Cap.
The Cacophany of Blades line will now proc from ranged attacks
Minion's Warding should no longer break invisibility after zoning.
The icon on Lay Wastes was altered so that it's more apparent that it shares a reuse timer with the Assault line. The prose should mention this as well.
Evil players should now evacuate near Thundering Steppes all the time.
Good players should now evacuate near Nektulos all the time.
A number of Kaladim patrols have had their respawn time increased.
Adjustments have been made to Chardok named NPCs Those that were level 85+ were lowered to 84, but had their health increased significantly, and DPS slightly. Additionally, certain nobles have had abilities added to their repertoire.
Veeshan's Peak
-The personal treasure of many inhabitants of Veeshan's Peak has been increased in power.
-All Veeshan's Peak item sets have been given additional focus effects and increased stats.
There are more pleasant things to do than beat up people
M. Ali
22.03.2008, 07:17
Регистрация: 06.09.2006
Адрес: Ministry of Sound
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Спасибо Касабиану за действительно подробное описание, это был большой труд.
22.03.2008, 07:22
Регистрация: 03.08.2007
Адрес: МГУ, Владивосток
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а перевести можешь?) я в инглише ни бум-бум
[Манчкин 7%] [Убийца 93%] [Тусовщик 0%] [Исследователь 0%]
22.03.2008, 07:26
Регистрация: 16.11.2006
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Спасибо Касабиану за действительно подробное описание, это был большой труд.
Так как тут тоже дают посты, отвечу тебе - пожалуйста
There are more pleasant things to do than beat up people
M. Ali
22.03.2008, 09:32
Регистрация: 17.04.2007
Адрес: Алма-ата
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а перевести можешь?) я в инглише ни бум-бум
Перевожу, енчантеры стираю персов, хилеры отказываются ходить в виишан пик, роги начинают копить деньги чтобы подкупить менестрелей хотябы на именах одевать 6 кусков сета, ренджаки перестают надеться когданибуть попасть в топ 3 оверолл.
22.03.2008, 10:04
Регистрация: 20.02.2007
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ренджаки перестают надеться когданибуть попасть в топ 3 оверолл.
И почему же?
22.03.2008, 10:05
Регистрация: 16.08.2006
Адрес: Башня из слоновой кости
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Перевожу, енчантеры стираю персов
С чего это вдруг?
Я была предназначена тебе судьбой. Возможно в качестве наказания.
Главная эрогенная зона для эротичной женщины - ее мозг.
22.03.2008, 10:07
Регистрация: 27.09.2006
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Не боюсь быть дедушкой
страшно спать с бабушкой
22.03.2008, 10:43
Регистрация: 27.09.2006
Адрес: Самара
Сообщения: 962
VP Loot Update
СОЕ кидает из огня да в полымя.
22.03.2008, 10:48
Регистрация: 20.02.2007
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