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# 8
Старый 19.11.2010, 11:37
ushajwef ushajwef вне форума
Регистрация: 19.11.2010
Сообщения: 2
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So how does fury rate overall? It's had its ups and downs from top of the WOW Gold DPS in Naxxramas to middling in Ulduar and Trial to (finally) near the top again in ICC (at least Buy WOW Gold if you're in the best possible gear, much of which is still leather). Even if you're in merely solid gear, however, fury can put out a serious WOW Power Leveling hurting. I have yet to be less than No. 1 on the DPS charts on any 5-man I've run since I started collecting my 264/277 Aion Gold DPS set. I'm hardly any great shakes as DPS; it's the nature of the spec and how rage, talents and gear all intersect for the fury warrior. A talented fury warrior (again, I make no claims to be particularly talented) can lead the Aion Gold DPS on any fight halfway friendly to him in ICC.

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