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# 1
Старый 19.01.2010, 08:40
ValleyKing ValleyKing вне форума
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По умолчанию PvP BG SF

Информация с официального форума http://forums.station.sony.com/eq2/p...204318#5204318

We are expanding to include cross server PVP zones. While working on these we wanted to make sure that any changes we made lined up with what would also be on the PVP servers. Here are some of the changes we are working towards.

Control Spells

Control spells will have their maximum durations decreased globally. Being able to control another character as long as you currently can on PVP is too powerful. The spells will adhere to the following:

8 seconds: Fear, Mesmerize, Root, Snare
6 seconds: Stifle, Daze, Disarm
4 seconds: Stun
Charm: We have reworked the Charm, Hypnosis, and Bria's Entrancing Sonnet lines to mesmerize for 8 seconds rather than charm.
We are trying to find a good balance with this new scheme and how it applies to previously set values for PVP control spells. This means that some PVP control spells may actually see their maximum duration increase if it was decreased too far.


Currently spells are resisted too easily in PVP. We have changed it so the new resist chance is calculated from the spell tier modifier, target wisdom modifier, and casting skill modifier with a cap of 70%. Elemental, Noxious, and Arcane stats only mitigate damage and have no bearing on being able to completely resist the spell. Overall, spells should land more often. The need to decrease the maximum duration of control spells becomes more necessary because they will also be resisted less.


We are introducing new items that you can earn on PVP servers and in cross server PVP. These items are crafted around the stats that are needed in PVP. These items have a new stat called Toughness on them. Toughness is a rating that decreases all PVP damage done to you. The planned cap for damage mitigation gained from Toughness is 40%.

Seasonal Play

We are working to create periods of time for PVP servers and cross server PVP. At the end of a season you can expect certain players to be declared as winners of the season with possible rewards. In the coming season, we would also like to adjust the rule sets and further tune abilities around the previous season's play.


We are always interested in hearing feedback on the items listed here, or other concerns you may have with the current PVP mechanics. Olihin and myself are keeping an eye on these forums and the different discussion threads.

Thanks all!

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Последний раз редактировалось ValleyKing, 19.01.2010 в 08:42

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