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# 1
Старый 12.01.2011, 05:57
besterwh besterwh вне форума
Регистрация: 12.01.2011
Сообщения: 3
По умолчанию Of course mulberry bag is mulberry bag

Of course mulberry bag is mulberry bag

So, I was browsing the mulberry bag blogs tonight and came across Purse Blog’s post about this unseemly Chanel bag. It’s their Multicolor Patchwork Bag, a member of the Resort 2011 crew. Does this look at all familiar to you? There’s something way too familiar about the overload of colors, textures, and um… everything. The graphic comic look seems a lot like the Coach Poppy bags, does it not? Eek. shd4yrth?

I know they are very different, but they’re working with the exact same theme. Of course, this is common in fashion. Designers are often in the same mindset when they go to the drawing board, often influenced by ideas sparked by last season, world events, and popular culture. So, what I’m really trying to ask here is– what the hell is going on? Why are mulberry handbag designers acting all spastic and producing scribbly, pieced-together bright concoctions? What are they reacting to? What are they trying to say? Is it frenzied? Or is it jubilant?

Coach Poppy Petal Print Hippie Crossbody

Also, if I may draw your attention to some of Marc by Marc Jacob’s Spring wares… mulberry bags sale this crazy little computer bag is relatively riding the same brain wave of… crazy. But, I actually kind of like this one.

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