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# 1
Старый 03.01.2014, 18:25
Кадсуане Кадсуане вне форума
Регистрация: 11.04.2008
Сообщения: 19
По умолчанию Бесплатные покупки вместо 500SC

Abyss, а относиться ли это ссылка :
Dear EverQuest Gold Members,

We regularly evaluate our offerings at SOE to ensure we are consistently delivering great games and products, while also offering exceptional value to our players. Given that we just started a new year it seemed like the perfect time to add more value!

The week of February 3rd, 2014 we will be making a very important change to the Gold Membership level in EverQuest The current benefit of receiving 500 Station Cash (SC) monthly will be replaced with a new program that allows you to select one single item valued up to 2000 SC each month. Nearly all items within the games’ Marketplace will be available for this selection. Players Studio, bundles and additional exclusions may apply. This new benefit must be claimed each month that you are a member as it will not carry over to subsequent months.

We appreciate our customers, especially our valued members, and therefore are excited to bring you this additional value.

Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to seeing you in game soon.
предложение к нашим серверам? Учитывая что при разовых пин-кодах все эти 500SC стабильно пролетают мимо нас?
Guild Leader Night Watch
Сьяна SK 95 BS, Шакунтала Monk 95 BS

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