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# 1
Старый 08.01.2009, 02:21
Аватар для Spetz
Spetz Spetz вне форума
Регистрация: 03.07.2006
Сообщения: 2,632
По умолчанию GU51 на тесте


* Taunts and detaunts can now critical similar to how melee and spell criticals work.
* Threat output and hate position changes will now be displayed to the chat windows. You can find it under Combat in the Hate Adjustment category.
* Hate gain mods will no longer affect taunt adjustments.
* Area of effect spells and combat arts will no longer spread hate to encounter members when damage is applied.
* Imprisoner Ynosii’s death now results in his weakened soul spawning. Killing the weakened soul gives a key that will open Ynosii’s treasure chest.
* Auto-follow:
o Your character will now swim up and down to follow the target underwater.
o Characters on auto-follow will always turn to face their target when auto-attacking.
o Players on auto-follow now follow up and down climbable walls.
o You may now /camp (and, incidentally, sit) while on auto-follow. If the person you're following moves (causing you to follow) your camp will be interrupted.
o The camera will now re-center on the person you're following only when you're moving.


* Bountiful Harvest should no longer displayed a combined harvest on root and foresting nodes. Instead you should see two harvests similar to how other node type work.


* Executioner’s Anger now has a chance to increase your taunt critical chance instead of the player’s hate gain.


* Idolic Axe has changed to increase the base amount of the crusaders taunts and gives them an additional chance to critically taunt an enemy.


* Frontload will no longer cause poisons to cancel when it is toggled off or expires.


* Perserverance is now a buff and works in a similar fashion to Reversal with a hidden spell that can only trigger once every 15 seconds.


* Crane Twirl has been changed to increase the brawlers chance to aoe auto attack
* Eagle Spin now increases the threat of the brawler with their enemy.
* Eagle’s Talon now increases the chance of the brawler to critically taunt and increases the amount of threat applies by taunts.
* Monkey Dodge now increases the brawler’s defense and parry skill.


* Enchance: Anguish will now increase the base damage of the combat art appropriately.


As a result of spell changes, the triggered effect on Charm’s Way has been changed to be upfront and target enemies in the area of effect.


* Kick has been moved to level 3 to fill in a gap caused by spell consolidation


* The Hold The Line spell line has been merged with the defensive stance lines.
* The Iron Will Spell line has been merged with both the offensive and defensive stances.
* The Battle Tactics line has been merged into the Call to Arms line of spells.
* The offensive stance line will now increase damage done to the guardian and also has a damage based proc while also reducing the hate gain of the guardian.
* The defensive stance will now also increase the amount of taunts and increase the hate gain of the guardian.
* The hate reduction of the allay line has been reduced.
* The Assault line now grants additional threat gains.
* Reduced the recast of the Shout line.
* The Kick line now generates additional threat.


* Berserk has been incorporated into the defensive and offensive stances.
* The Battle Chant line has been merged into the Bloodlust line.
* The Bullying Defense line has been merged into the defensive stance line.
* Uproar has been moved to level 2 to fill in a gap created by the ability mergers.
* The Growl line is now 10 second reuse and more powerful.
* The Offend line has increased threat.
* The Whirl line now has a threat component.
* Reactive taunt strength of the Insolent Gibe line has been increased slightly.


* The Redemption line now greatly increases your threat with the target instead of siphoning hate.
* The Incite line now increases threat initially instead of overtime.
* The Charge line now has a hate component.
* The Divine Circle line now has a hate component.
* The Blessing of the Penitent and Blessed Weapon lines have been merged into the offensive and defensive stances.
* The Blinding Rays line has had its reuse time reduced.


* The Dark Caress and Unholy Weapon lines have merged into the offensive and defensive stances.
* Defensive stance line will lower damage but increase threat output.
* Offensive stance boosts damage slightly but reduces hate gain.
* Sickening Circle will also increase threat now.
* The Kick line now has a threat component.


* The Roughhouse and Dodge and Strike lines have been merged into the bruiser’s stances.
* The Brag line is now more potent.
* The Kick line now has a threat component.
* The Blazing Strikes line now has a threat component.
* The Impose line has faster reuse speed now.


* The Martial Focus and Dragon stance lines have been merged into the monk’s stances.
* The Stare line increase threat by more.
* The Kick line now has a threat component.
* The Cobra Circle line now increases threat to any targets it hits.
* Beckon has had its reuse time lowered.


* The Swarthy Distraction line of spells has changed to be a short duration buff which greatly increases or decreases their target’s hate.


* The Shadows line has changed to trigger a hate reduction effect.


* The Reconnoiter line has had its hate reduction effect removed and has a chance on any hit to reduce the rangers hate.


* The Stalk line is now faster casting and lower recovery time.


* The Evade line no longer has any recovery time.


* Concussive is now faster casting and quicker reuse time.


* Hyran’s line has reduced hate gain modifiers but also increases the threat amount.


* Guild Hall Fuel Merchants will now buy back tier 1 fuels.
* The guild hall mender will now correctly remember the new coverage setting after it is changed.


Veeshan’s Peak

* Milyex Vioren’s engineer should no longer occasionally become unkillable

Palace of Ferzhul

* Ferzhul should no longer fail to unlock his portion of Varsoon’s portal if players kill all of his adds before killing him.

Village of Shin

* Merchants in the Village of Shin will now buy as well as sell items.

Moors of Ykesha

* Spotting a business opportunity, a new fuel merchant has recently set up shop in Firmroot Moot near the mender.
* It should now be slightly easier to avoid the blood gorgers in the entry passage to Grobb, if you are careful.


* Overloaded heal procs will now trigger properly from reactives and wards.
* The Ferocious Presence spell from Stormbringer’s Bulwark of the Unstoppable will suspend if the shield is no longer equipped.


* Knight-Captain Santis will complete the quest, "Bog Sludge Hunt".
* Zoning into the Nasin's Library on Chapter 4 of The Shadow Odyssey should now automatically zone in a full party, regardless of whether all members have the quest.


* You can now drag equipment from your appearance slots to the macro window.


* Group members can now use the /invite command to request that the group leader invite a player to the group. Just type /invite


* The raid window has a new ‘Advanced’ mode that will display effect icons for all members of the raid. Right-click the raid window to switch views.
* The carat in text boxes will no longer render if the EQII client doesn’t have focus.
* Fixed a bug where damage reduction info was not displayed correctly in the mitigation tooltip.
* Fixed a bug in the raid window sometimes causing users to not be drag-able.
* The following modifications were made to UIScripting and are may be of interest to the modding community.
* UIScript now supports the following functions: int(), abs(), floor(), ceil().
o Results of math operations in UIScript now only return the required precision instead of always forcing 3 decimal places.
o Fixed a bug parsing negative floating-point numbers.
o The BackgroundEmpty image of a UIProgressbar will no longer render unless the progress value is zero.
o Support has been added for a new UIColorStyle object. Any object property that accepts a color will now accept a reference to a UIColorStyle object.
Бубумка , Волш 90/250, теперь уже в славной гильдии "Окно"

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