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# 1
Старый 23.02.2008, 01:21
Аватар для Fifil
Fifil Fifil вне форума
Регистрация: 02.04.2006
Адрес: Санкт-Петербург
Сообщения: 136
Smile 43-е игровое обновление

Немного информации с оф. сайта. Так понимаю что будут 2 новых системы деления лута и чтото связано с харвестингом ) Анонс:

Game Update 43 Preview!

Game Update 43 will bring you some new group looting options as well as a change to how you harvest the ever elusive "shiny"!

"Shiny" Changes!
Have you ever harvested a "shiny" to only wish you hadn't? That irresistible, sparkling glow that lured you to harvest it ends up being a collectible added to the other 5 of the same item in your inventory; an item that is too low of level to sell for a respectable amount to a vendor and so common that no one's buying it from a broker. Upcoming with Game Update 43, you'll be able to choose to keep it or leave it! "Shiny" collectables will soon work much like treasure chests, giving you the option of taking the item with you or even setting that "shiny harvest" to lotto with others within your current group!

Group Looting Additions!
For Game Update 43, there are additional loot options on their way! There is already the "Leader Only", "Free For All" and "Lottery" options, but there will be a "Need Before Greed" option as well as a "Round Robin" addition!

-"Need before greed"
For those that think that the present "Lotto" system is not quite robust enough, you can choose to use the "Need Before Greed" option. In using this looting choice, when someone within your group loots an item, those within that group are given the option to select "need", "greed", or "decline" for each item in a chest. The item will be assigned to a random player within the group that chooses "need". If no players within the group choose "need", the loot item will be randomly assigned to a player within the group who chooses "greed".
-"Round Robin"
When this group looting option is chosen, looted items will be assigned automatically to players in sequence within the present group.

Источник: http://eq2players.station.sony.com/n...s&locale=en_US

ЗЫ: Где ж наше 42-е (
Нисстайр <Мушкетеры> Осквернитель 90 Barren Sky

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