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Старый 16.07.2008, 05:14
Аватар для Weyr
Weyr Weyr вне форума
Регистрация: 16.08.2006
Адрес: Башня из слоновой кости
Сообщения: 1,784
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Суть совершенно в другом.


Regarding the shader info, if everyone knew the reasoning why things were done they were, I think they'd be more understanding. When EQ2 went into development, they wanted to support GeForce3, and wanted the game to look just as good on lower hardware. So the only choice was to do many things on the CPU since the graphics card couldn't do it. The idea at the time was that as processors got faster, the performance would improve over time. Unfortunately science didn't lead us in that direction. So if you want to run the game on a GeForce3 today, it will still look awesome!
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