Beginning on November 16th, 2010, we will start merging several EQII servers as part of our ongoing effort to utilize community feedback and deliver the best gameplay experience possible.
It will take many weeks to get all the merges completed, but we’ll start the process on that date. We will move slowly so we can double-check and troubleshoot between each pair of merges instead of just doing them all at once. We hope this will bring a more enjoyable experience for players across Norrath.
Which servers will be affected?
16 servers will be affected:
Nektulos merges into Guk
Najena merges into Unrest
Befallen merges into Oasis
Blackburrow merges into Everfrost
Mistmoore merges into Permafrost
Kithicor merges into Butcherblock
Runnyeye merges into Splitpaw (UK)
Innovation merges into Valor (DE)
Which servers will not be affected?
11 servers will remain unaffected because they are already populated enough or because of contractual obligations that prevent such merges at this time.
Antonia Bayle
Lucan D’Lere
Nagafen (PVP)
Vox (Live Gamer PVP)
The Bazaar (Live Gamer)
Sebilis (JP)
Storms (FR)
Harla Dar (RU)
The Nexus (RU)
Barren Sky (RU)
When will my server be merged?
We’ll pre-announce each merger before it occurs and keep you updated on the status of the merges as they progress. Watch the Official News and Announcements for news on each merge.
My server is on the unaffected list. Why isn't my server merging?
US Servers: Antonia Bayle, Nagafen and Crushbone are all highly populated and don’t need to merge. Lucan D’Lere is a roleplaying server and isn’t being merged with Antonia Bayle because the resultant population would be too high.
Live Gamer Servers: We’re currently unable to merge the Live Gamer servers into any other servers because of contractural obligations.
Russian Servers: It’s possible the the Russian PvE servers might get merged later on, but only after a few contractual discussions first.
French and Japanese: Sebilis and Storms are unique language servers and shouldn’t be merged elsewhere.
Will we get free character transfers?
In the past, populations across the servers were very unbalanced and the free transfer program was used to create additional balance during a server merge. At this time, the mergers have been calculated to create population balance and density and thus, single-player character transfers will not enhance the outcome of the merge.
Legacy Titles
Players from the eight servers that are being merged will be granted a Legacy Title, "of
". For example, "of Nektulos," "of Najena," "of Runnyeye" and so on. The title will give these players the opportunity to show off the server they came from and distinguish themselves if they choose to do so.
Russian Servers: It’s possible the the Russian PvE servers might get merged later on, but only after a few contractual discussions first.
Уважаемая Акелла ведутся ли уже переговоры по слиянию серверов и когда нам следует его ожидать ?