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# 1
Старый 04.05.2008, 16:14
Аватар для fo011y
fo011y fo011y вне форума
Регистрация: 01.12.2007
Адрес: Москва ЮАО ОБЮ
Сообщения: 149
По умолчанию Эпик квест

Появилась загвозда с выполнением эпик квеста.
Next, track down the Guardians of the Four Arms of Gorynn and take their amulets.
"a powerful man that lives around furry elephants"
You will need 5 Fiery Magma Infusions for the next step. These are made by provisioners through a recipe sold at the Danak Shipyard by Eviss Ryiss at location: -102, -41, 1108. The recipe is no trade, so the provisioner must purchase it themselves.
Head to Everfrost and start heading to Permafrost. In the sea outside of Permafrost, head to the island at location: 162, -38, -1696. When you step onto the island, Einar McPherson will appear. Hail Einar McPherson with your 5 drinks and he will spawn as a 82^^^ (may also be 85^^^). Kill him.
"an orc standing on a cliff"
You might want to head to Sebilis before the Clefts so you don't have to speak with him twice - there is no update on the first hail
Head to the Clefts of Rujark. Head up to the third level. Halfway up a cliff on a ledge at location: -68, 38, -66 will be Champion Gorlok . Drop down from the third level to hail him. He wants the claws and recipe of a Sathirian lizard monk master.
Head to Sebilis and kill A Broken Shackle Instructor or his named counterpart Grand Master Sathaz (Loc: 88, -11, 203). He will eventually drop a recipe: "The Legends of Fyst" (doesn't drop every time).
Scribe the recipe and make the "Claws of Fyst", which requires an ebon cluster.
(Alternatively, you can skip camping for the rare drop by having a Bruiser who has already completed this step make a "Claws of Fyst" for you via the commission system)
Return to Champion Gorlok and hail him. He will respawn as a 84^^^. Kill him for the update.
"the gluttonous giant"
In Fens of Nathsar, head to the beach north of the Field of Bones. Follow the shore line to the north west until you see a large bucket on the ground (Loc: -985, -400, -2904 - Waypoint doesn't show up on the map, but a glowing trail will appear when you're close enough, just keep following the beach to the west). Click this bucket to receive the sub-quest "A Big Fish Bowl". Head to Jarsath Wastes, and hunt the sharks and swordfish in the harbor to complete this quest (need 50 of each). Once you've completed the quest, head back to Fens and click on the bucket once again. A giant (Granitegrip) will walk down the beach very slowly towards the full bucket and attack you. The giant can be between 80^^^ and 85^^^. Kill the giant for your update.
"the ogre gladiator"
Head to The Feerrott back near Cazic-Thule. Around the location: -1801, -10, 759, you will find Ogg Kryn'Rok wandering around. Hail and challenge her for the amulet - she will tell you a story of how she lost it to another. This updates this portion of the quest (no fight needed).
В английском разбираюсь не особо хорошо, если ктонибудь получил пушку, поделитесь опытом.
Пиратская - Феофан - Фулли

Последний раз редактировалось fo011y, 04.05.2008 в 16:36

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