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# 1
Старый 31.03.2006, 19:02
Аватар для Atomi
Atomi Atomi вне форума
Регистрация: 31.01.2006
Сообщения: 965
По умолчанию 3.11.3

Changes to look for in 3.11.3:

* Increased ESAV Damage by 40% against ground vehicles
* Adjusted ESAV to score 50% more damage against a BFR than what they do against armor
* Adjusted the Decimator to score 50% more damage against a BFR than what they do against armor
* Doubled the AV damage that AV MAX Units score
* Increased AV MAX damage against other MAX Units by 25%
* Increased ES Buggy armor by about 40%
* Increased Harasser armor by about 55%
* Increased FV BFR armor by about 40%
# 2
Старый 31.03.2006, 19:19
VaNdel VaNdel вне форума
Регистрация: 17.03.2006
Сообщения: 114
По умолчанию

и когда мне придется его поверх версии от акеллы устанавливать???

п.с. правдивые ответы вроде:
1 - после полугодичного ковыряния в багах и ошибках перевода
2- после полета людей на марс и наконец-то окончания пересборной-разборки игры Акеллой
не принимаются)
# 3
Старый 31.03.2006, 19:20
VaNdel VaNdel вне форума
Регистрация: 17.03.2006
Сообщения: 114
По умолчанию

удалите 2 ложный пост)
# 4
Старый 31.03.2006, 20:10
Аватар для satos
satos satos вне форума
Регистрация: 28.02.2006
Адрес: Санкт-Петербург
Сообщения: 56
По умолчанию

Специально для идиотов:

Официальный патч будет выходить одновременно с локализованным аналогом.
- Satoshi/SATOS
# 5
Старый 31.03.2006, 20:17
VaNdel VaNdel вне форума
Регистрация: 17.03.2006
Сообщения: 114
По умолчанию

Сообщение от satos
Специально для идиотов:

Официальный патч будет выходить одновременно с локализованным аналогом.
ny ny ))) znaem, znaem))) odni tolko obesania (imho prose mozno bilo bi ka4at s OFF saita SOE... )
# 6
Старый 31.03.2006, 21:26
Аватар для Atomi
Atomi Atomi вне форума
Регистрация: 31.01.2006
Сообщения: 965
По умолчанию

To avoid confusion here are the specifics:

ESAV against armor (ground vehicles)

* Phoenix will change from 250 damage to 350 damage against ground vehicles
* Lancer will change from 125 damage to 175 damage against ground vehicles
* Striker will change from 125 damage to 175 damage against ground vehicles

ESAV against BFR armor

* Phoenix will remain unchanged at 525 damage. We liked the scale used on the phoenix so much that we applied it to the Striker and Lancer.
* Lancer will now score 263 damage to a BFR
* Striker will now score 263 damage to a BFR

AV MAX damage increases:

* Falcon damage increased from 66 to 132 against ground vehicles
* Falcon damage increased from 66 to 132 against aircraft
* Falcon damage increased from 66 to 132 against a BFR
* Falcon damage increased from 66 to 83 against another MAX Unit
* Comet damage increased from 30 to 60 against ground vehicles**
* Comet damage increased from 30 to 60 against aircraft**
* Comet damage increased from 30 to 60 against a BFR**
* Comet damage increased from 30 to 38 against another MAX Unit**

* Pounder damage increased from 60 to 120 against ground vehicles
* Pounder damage increased from 60 to 120 against aircraft
* Pounder damage increased from 60 to 120 against a BFR
* Pounder damage increased from 60 to 75 against another MAX Unit

**NOTE: Comet damage is listed as it's base damage. Burn damage has also been increased by the same % as the base damage.

Rocklet AV Increase:

* Increased Rocklet AV damage against ground vehicles from 75 to 105
* Damage per Rocklet is the same if fired from the Rocklet Rifle or Punisher

Buggy Armor Increases:

* Harasser armor has increased from 800 to 1250
* Enforcer armor has increased from 1400 to 1800
* Thresher armor has increased from 1200 to 1600
* Marauder armor has increased from 1300 to 1700

Note about the Skyguard:

* The Skyguard's armor will remain the same at this time. We currently like the balance between the Skyguard and aircraft. AV will be a bit more deadly for the Skyguard now, but it's speed should allow it to do survive. Infantry are not the primary target of the Skyguard anyway.

BFR Flight Variant Armor Increases:

* All 3 have been changed from having 2500 armor to 3500 armor

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