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# 1
Старый 12.01.2016, 12:59
Аватар для nArgo
nArgo nArgo вне форума
Регистрация: 06.03.2006
Адрес: г.Брянск
Сообщения: 516
По умолчанию Обновления

В очередной раз прошу все-таки расписывать изменения, которые вносятся в очередных обновлениях игры!!!
Хоть какую-то видимость поддержки проекта!
Мой небосвод высок и ясен и полон радужных картин
# 2
Старый 12.01.2016, 13:46
Smico Smico вне форума
Регистрация: 03.01.2007
Сообщения: 107
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Перевод писать лень, но главное из этого, что классовые плащи теперь фамильные

Time-Locked Expansion Servers

Fixed an issue with named encounters not receiving their full mitigation.

The Humator Harridan is once again heroic.

The final point of Enhance: Predator’s Final Trick will now increase Potency instead of Crit Bonus.
Clara’s Chaotic Cacophony’s debuff component will no longer overwrite itself when cast by a different caster.

Baby Dragon Burbur (Chestnut) petamorph wand now properly converts into a house item, and back again.
Amplifying Stamina and Amplifying Combo effects will once again display the effect range.
Disciple’s Fervor will now correctly grant potency for each increment stack.
Corrected an issue that prevented Apostate’s Wrath from applying.
Relic class cloaks will are now Heirloom.
Corrected the potency granted by Azure Gemmed Bracelet of Reason and Azure Gemmed Bracelet of Piety.
Barren Sky - Закл 100, Гипно 100

Последний раз редактировалось Smico, 12.01.2016 в 21:05
# 3
Старый 13.01.2016, 09:48
Аватар для nArgo
nArgo nArgo вне форума
Регистрация: 06.03.2006
Адрес: г.Брянск
Сообщения: 516
По умолчанию

Ну я имел в виду, что вероятно кому-то по должностным обязанностям наверное положено это делать.
Там и в предыдущих обновлениях этого года что-то интересное было.
Мой небосвод высок и ясен и полон радужных картин
# 4
Старый 26.01.2016, 11:37
Дуче Дуче вне форума
Регистрация: 11.01.2010
Адрес: Москва
Сообщения: 136
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Хотя бы на английском (может кто переведет), т.к. в информации не было написано совсем ничего...

Tuesday, January 20, 2016
Corrected an issue that prevented interaction with many objects and NPCs.

Ascent of the Awakened
Ireth The Cold is now the correct level.

Fixed an issue where a ward would apply for 0 if the caster had 0 crit bonus and the ward was critically applied.
Unflinching Servant will now root the caster's pet instead of stifle.
Bubble no longer requires the caster's pet to not attack.

Several level 70 Ancient Teaching recipes now use the correct tier 8 components.

Thalumbra fertilizers drop more frequently.
Items with the ability "Soulfeast" will now properly upgrade from items with "Soulthirst".
Channelers may convert the Soulbound Wand of Flaying into a bow by examining the item.
Curse of Shielding may now only trigger once every 8 seconds when modified by Group Warding.
Reduced the extra damage granted to Fae Fires by Wildfires.
Reduced the outgoing damage of Ethereal Leach.
Ethereal Conduit will now reset Soulburn.

Aura of Immolation, Ethereal Conduit, Ethereal Divinity, and Ethereal Onslaught will no longer reset the following abilities: Altruism, Ancestral Avenger, Ancestral Channeling, Ancestral Savior, Battle Frenzy, Bladedance, Bob and Weave, Brawler's Tenacity, Channel, Channeled Focus, Class Mythical Spells, Cloak of Divinity, Coercive Shout, Crusader's Faith, Cyclone, Deadly Dance, Defensive Minded, Devastation Fist, Diamond Flesh, Divine Aura, Divine Guidance, Draconic Shout, Dragon AA Death prevents, Dragoon's Reflexes, Equilibrium, Faith, Faith of the Fallen, Feral Tenacity, Focused Casting, Hateful Respite, Holy Aid, Holy Salvation, Holy Warding, Howling with the Pack, Ignore Pain, Impenetrable, Impenetrable Will, Inner Focus, Last Man Standing, Lay on Hands, Manashield, Manawall, Manaward, Mend, Mind Control, Nature's Renewal, Pact of the Cheetah, Perfect Counter, Perseverance of the Divine, Prayer of Healing, Predator's Final Trick, Protect Me!, Provoking Stance, Rampager's Resilience, Redemption, Rhythmic Overture, Shadowknight's Furor, Smoke Bomb, Sonic Barrier, Stand Firm, Stoneskins, Stonewall, Tag Team, Temporal Mimicry, Time Warp, Tortoise Shell, True Faith, Tunare's Watch, Unholy Warding, Unshakable Grip, Victorious Concerto, Wall of Force

Updated some versions of the following effects: Allied Strength, Aura Share, Brotherhood of the Underfoot, Building Furor, Countermoves, Firm Stance, Frantic Foundations, Furious Barrage, Impartial Engagement, Magical Vulnerability, Pirate's Aim, Practiced Power, Practiced Tactics, Shroud of the Sea, Skirting the Edge, Soulthirst, The Finisher, Uplifted Power, Uplifting Blows, Uplifting Criticals

Reduced the mitigation debuff of Dispatch in PvP combat.
Пал, 100/350
# 5
Старый 26.01.2016, 11:37
Дуче Дуче вне форума
Регистрация: 11.01.2010
Адрес: Москва
Сообщения: 136
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И еще одно, сегодня...

Update Notes: Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Charmed creatures in agnostic zones will no longer be supercharged.

Corpse Candles can no longer be charmed.

Kralet Penumbra: Rise to Power
Bone Crushing Swings and Pressure of the Deep no longer effect Dissonance of Savagery.

Mercenaries will now suspend after a period of player inactivity.
Mercenaries no longer have any initial hiring fees.

Time-Locked Expansion Servers
Corrected a bug where wards would not receive the inherent 1.3% crit multiplier.

Fixed a bug with Ethereal Conduit, Ethereal Divinity, Ethereal Onslaught and Aura of Immolation that prevented them from resetting any ability.
Corrected an issue with Furious Barrage not stacking when activated by different casters.

The Damaged Emblems of Prexus collectibles are now available from Penumbra advanced solo zones.
Пал, 100/350
# 6
Старый 26.01.2016, 13:58
Аватар для AlexD
AlexD AlexD вне форума
Регистрация: 23.02.2007
Сообщения: 871
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Вы хоть ссылки дайте, откуда эту инфу берете. А-то Акелла походу не в курсе, где эти новости публикуются
Ласковый зверь с глазами убийцы.

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